Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Report on the Online Teachers’ Training Workshop on the Revised Syllabus

Monday, 8th feb., 2021
         An online Teachers’ Training workshop on the revised syllabus of B. A. III English: English Novel Paper X & XV” (DSE- E14 and E139) was organized by the department of English, Lal Bahadur Shastri College, Satara on Monday, 8th feb. 2021 as per the University letter no. Seminar/0264 dated 8 Jan 2021. The organizing committee was led by Dr P. P. Lohar, Head of the department and Coordinator of the workshop.                The workshop began at 10: 00 a.m. with the inaugural function presided by Honorable Principal Dr R. V. Shejawal and having Chief guest Dr. S. B. Bhamber, Chairman, Board of Studies in English and Linguistics and Head, Department of English, Arts and Commerce College, Nesari, Kolhapur. Dr. S. B. Bhamber was also key note speaker. He spoke on the topic “Gist of Novel”. In his key-note speech, he gave general idea of novel as a major literary form and current trends in novel writing in English. Prof Sachin Kamble said the vote of thanks. 
            Then there followed the three academic sessions and a Technical session. The first academic session was on the subject “English Novel: General Topics”. Prof (Dr) Sunil Sawant, AC MEMBER, SUK and President, Satara ELT@I Chapter, Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya, Wai guided the teachers on different aspects of the novel such as plot, characters, setting and point of view in the novel. The session was chaired by Dr. Satish Ghatge, I/C Principal, Bapuji Salunkhe College, Karad. Dr Sayakar introduced the expert and Vote of thanks was made by Dr S G Gurav. 
        The second session was on the topic “Novels (Sem. V)”. Dr Manoj Gujar, Member, SENATE, SUK & Head, Dept. of English, Prof. S K College, Deur , was subject expert in this session. He presented his PPT and guided the participants on the subject. The session was chaired by Dr. D. S. Kale, Assist Professor, Amdar Shashikant Shinde Mahavidyalaya, Medha. . Dr. Jadhav introduced the expert and Vote of thanks was made by Dr S G Gurav. The third session was on the topic “Novels (Sem. VI)”. Dr Rajarshi Barvekar , Member, Board of Studies in English and Linguistcs & Dept. of English, Shivjai University, Kolhapur , was subject expert in this session. She presented her PPT and guided the participants on the subject. The session was chaired by Dr J. A. Mhetre, Principal, Mohanrao patangrao Patil Mahavidyalaya, Borgaon . Dr. Milind introduced the expert and Vote of thanks was made by Dr S G Gurav. 
            Then there was fruitful and healthy discussion in the technical session in which all subject experts cleared the doubts and questions on the participant teachers. The workshop was over at 2: 30 p.m.with the valedictory presided by Prof D. G. Salunkhe, former Vice Principal and Head, Department of English of our college. In the end, Dr R. B. Rathod said the vote of thanks to Shivaji University, College authority, Chairman, BoS and subject experts, participants and members of organizing committee. Dr S. G. Gurav, member, organizing committee, anchored the whole workshop effectively. Mr S. S. Shelar, member, organizing committee was a great hand of helped. There were 129 participants from all colleges in Shivaji Uni., Kop. (Dr P P Lohar) Dr R. V. Shejawal Workshop Coordinator

A screenshot of the speech given by Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Sawant, Resource person of session 1 through Zoom.

A Screenshot of the participant of the workshop.

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