Department of English
Programme Specific Outcomes: B.A.
After completing B. A. programme in
English the students will get–
1. The skills of communication in
2. Exposure to the Indian Literature in
English Translation as well as world literature in English.
3. The skill of analyzing the text in
the context of cinema.
4. To know how to relate dramatic
situations to there all life situations.
5. Creative bent of mind
6. Information about writing individuals
as well as group projects.
7. Familiar with seminar and
presentation skills.
8. Prepared for facing interviews of
competitive exams.
9. A venue opens in the corporate world.
10. Language proficiency in English.
11. Exposure to develop personality
leading towards a good citizenship
12. Promote with the leadership skills.
Programme Specific Outcomes: M.A.
After completing M. A. programme in
English the students will get–
1. The Students will be able to trace
the development of verse tradition.
2. Students will be able to interpret
and aesthetically appreciate poems.
3. Students will be able to understand
the difference between implicit and explicit meaning of poems.
4. Students will understand major trends
and writers in Fiction.
5. Students will be able to interpret
and critically appreciate the novels of the selected authors.
6. The students get more knowledge of
structure and semantics.
7. Students will learn the nature,
scope, and different branches of linguistics and pragmatics.
8. Students will be able to classify,
compare and contrast the knowledge of various branches of Linguistics.
9. They will comprehend Renaissance
poetry, drama, theatre and prose.
10. Students will understand the nature
scope of sociolinguistics and stylistics.
11. Students will be able to interpret,
analyze and evaluate different registers of written and spoken English.
12. Students will be able to understand
and interpret drama as a genre of literature.
13. Students will examine the realist
trend in drama and apply the knowledge to the prescribed text.
14. Students will get acquainted with
history of literary criticism.
15. Students will comprehend
contemporary works of Modern and Postmodern British Literature.
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