Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Websites useful for Spoken English

Functional English course
Department of English
Lal Bahadur Shastri college of Arts, Science and Commerce, Satara
General Websites:
The WJEC website offers the most up to date information on all wjec qualifications. www.englishbiz.co.uk
Many resources aimed at GCSE students on advising, analyzing and reviewing, informing, explaining, arguing and persuading, as well as analyzing non-fiction
Plenty of resources shared by teachers focusing on all aspects of English teaching.
Also a good forum to discuss ideas with other teachers delivering Functional Skills English.
www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/teach/ Resources and lesson plans to help with the teaching of skills and grammar
Many resources that are free but some require membership to the site
A subscription site but clearly categorized resources
Resources on grammar and text types www.axiseducation.co.uk Selection of teaching materials for all levels to buy. Available as a digital resource to use on interactive whiteboards, networks or print and copy.
Some eye-catching resources aimed at ESOL learners.
 www.chalkface.com/Products/English/Wide variety of worksheets to download.
www.skillsworkshop.org/ a free site offering a large number of resources

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